Dr. Wetbrain Presents.
The best site for alcohol fun, trivia, and facts.
A perfect knowledgeable coffee table read or passing time during a toilet break.
Booze history, liquor inventions, funny drunk stories, also drinking songs and unique games.
Entertain yourself and others with all sorts of drinking facts like – did you know that wild animals like to get drunk?
Booze history – before bombing Pearl Harbor the Japanese pilots had a drink of Sake from a ceremonial cup.
- Celebrities and their own alcohol brand names.
- There is alcohol on the International Space Station!
- Did Saint Bernard rescue dogs have a barrel of brandy around their necks?
- The friendliest war between countries.
Drinking fun with the best facts and trivia on everything alcohol.
Enjoy. Cheers!
The best fun facts and trivia on everything alcohol.
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Select Articles.

Booze At The International Space Station.
One clear starry night Harold and the doctor were sitting back on old lawn chairs and drinking beer in Dr. Wetbrain’s back yard. In complete silence they stared at the quiet night sky.
Dr. Wetbrain pointed at the night sky and broke the silence, “See that bright star Harold? That’s the International Space Station. Did you know that ample amount of alcohol was launched to that space station?”
“Right, I’m sure.” Was Harold’s doubtful reply.
“Let me tell you about it.” Dr. Wetbrain smartly replied.
First, all alcohol is prohibited from the International Space Station. Even perfume, hand sanitizer and mouthwash are banned. Though in the early days of space flight Russian cosmonauts confessed to smuggle vodka on their space mission in juice containers and hollowed out books.
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Alcohol Prohibition Penalties.
Harold listening to a podcast on his earbuds spoke up loudly like he is deaf. “Wetbrain! People are getting whipped for having a drink of whiskey. W.T.F.”.
Through the history of alcohol there were alcohol prohibitions in certain countries. These days mostly prohibition is in Muslim territories with severe penalties.
There is a small town in Alberta, Canada. Raymond, Alberta with a population of 4000 has a type of alcohol prohibition where you can not possess or purchase alcohol or be fined.
Then there is the famous United States Alcohol Prohibition from 1920 to 1933 where there will be NO manufacture, sales and transportation of any alcohol products. First offence had a penalty fine up to $1000.oo and up to 6 months jail. 2nd offence we are looking at $5000.oo fine and up to 1 year imprisonment. $1000.oo in 1927 is now worth $23000.oo. WOW!
Most of the alcohol prohibition places still these days have the punishment for drinking alcohol in public are flogging, fines, imprisonment or death. Below are countries I will never visit!
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The World Of Beer Bikes.
One quiet afternoon Harold and Dr. Wetbrain were sitting back on the porch, sipping on a beer.
Interrupting the quietness Dr. Wetbrain began. "Picture this Harold. A nice European warm sunny day, sitting at an open bar which is slowly moving through an ancient cobblestoned street. Meeting, drinking and cheering the people you are sitting with and the smiling people on the street. Once in awhile this moving bar would stop at a historic pub for a pint or two. Drunk when dropped off at your hotel."
"Snap out of it!", Harold yelled.
"What!" The doctor retaliated. "This dream is possible. Have you heard of Beer Bikes which are all around the world. Except for Muslim countries. Yes there is such a thing as party bikes. Famed tourist countries such as Netherlands, US, Canada, Belgium, Germany, France, Australia has one somewhere, Italy, Holland and Japan all have Beer Bikes. These slow traveling bars are great for birthday parties, company outings, bachelorette parties or just friends on the town.
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Hans Island - The Friendliest War.
Wake up Harold!” Dr. Wetbrain yells at him sleeping on the couch. “Watching the news drew me to this thought. Harold, wake up!”
In our wicked world these days we have the absurd cruelty of Afghanistan’s new killing forces and those poor condemned and tortured Uighurs (Weegers) in China. Putin. Trump. And the list goes on. What’s wrong with these leaders? I would say lots! Are they drunk?!
Anyways, this is a needed comforting story to tell about a vicious battle between Canada and Denmark. Otherwise noted as the ‘friendliest war in history’.
This story is all about a desolate island rock, 1.3 kilometers in diameter named Hans Island, after Hans Hendrick of Greenland. No vegetation at all. An island positioned in Nares Strait, a 22-mile-wide channel between Canada and Greenland (which is owned by Denmark).
Since the 1930’s Denmark and Canada argued over the ownership of this lowly rock.
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Drunk Fighting With Intimate Partner.
Drunk Fighting with Intimate Partner.
Harold and Dr. Wetbrain one day were listening to a country radio station and came across an awesome song. “Wait In the Truck”. By Hardy, featuring Lainey Wilson. In this song there are a few important lines.
- “She was bruised and broke from head to toe with a tear with her blood-stained shirt.”
- “All the whiskey scars I hid.”
What is wrong with these assholes beating up the one they love? So, my question is. Why does alcohol consumption contribute to violent behaviour?
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Star Wars Bar Drinks On Movie.
Star Wars Bar Drinks on Movie.
Dr. Wetbrain walked into the living room and saw a weird hairy creature. “Harold, why are you dressed like a very short Chewbacca?” The Dr. questioned.
“It’s May 4th. May the 4th be with you.” Harold replied.
“Sick. You are all ready for the Star Wars marathon tonight.” Wetbrain mentioned and continued.
I love the bar scene from the movie Star Wars, A New Hope, Episode IV.
On the planet Tatooine there is an alien filled, dimly lit tavern with very cool looking aliens, strong drinks and modern jazzy music.