
The best fun facts and trivia on everything alcohol.

Dr. Wetbrain Presents.

The best site for alcohol fun, trivia, and facts.

A perfect knowledgeable coffee table read or passing time during a toilet break.

Booze history, liquor inventions, funny drunk stories, also drinking songs and unique games.

Entertain yourself and others with all sorts of drinking facts like – did you know that wild animals like to get drunk?
Booze history – before bombing Pearl Harbor the Japanese pilots had a drink of Sake from a ceremonial cup.

- Celebrities and their own alcohol brand names.

- There is alcohol on the International Space Station!

- Did Saint Bernard rescue dogs have a barrel of brandy around their necks?

- The friendliest war between countries.

Drinking fun with the best facts and trivia on everything alcohol.

Enjoy. Cheers!

Select Articles.

Star Wars Bar Drinks on Movie.

Star Wars Bar Drinks on Movie.

Dr. Wetbrain walked into the living room and saw a weird hairy creature. “Harold, why are you dressed like a very short Chewbacca?” The Dr. questioned.

“It’s May 4th. May the 4th be with you.” Harold replied.

“Sick. You are all ready for the Star Wars marathon tonight.” Wetbrain mentioned and continued.

I love the bar scene from the movie Star Wars, A New Hope, Episode IV.

On the planet Tatooine there is an alien filled, dimly lit tavern with very cool looking aliens, strong drinks and modern jazzy music.

The famous bar is named ‘The Mos Eisley Cantina’ and filled with unique alien customers listening to a song called ‘Mad bout Me’ and performed by Bith aliens called, ‘The Cantina Band’.

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It's Oktoberfest Time.

It's Oktoberfest Time.

"Wake up Harold!" Dr. Wetbrain yelled at the couch where his passed out comrade was sleeping.

"It's Oktoberfest time!"

Harold groggily sat up and mumbled, "What? That's not till next month!"

Excitedly Dr. Wetbrain states, "The Bavarian Beer Garden season is upon us. Not only in Munich, Germany, but in other countries and cities you would not think of. We should check out about Eight Best Oktoberfest, Bavarian Beer Gardens in the world that I know of. Harold what are you doing lying down again. I want to tell you about these Oktoberfest's that we are going to."

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9 Very Spooky Halloween Drinks.

9 Very Spooky Halloween Drinks.

Dr. Wetbrain, snickering, walked into the dining room where Harold was sitting.

“So, I see you have your Halloween costume on.” Wetbrain jokingly said for Harold looks like he always does.

“So, I see you have yours on also!” Harold replied with a grin.

“Let’s get the party started with some spooky Halloween drinks. So, this year do you want to be the werewolf or vampire?” The doctor asked.

This year if you want to be a vampire for Halloween and want human blood in your cocktail. May I mention that drinking human blood can make you sick by inviting viruses into your body such as Hepatitis and HIV.

Pig’s Blood on the other hand would work out as a much safer cocktail ingredient even for vampires.

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WTF! Microplastics Are Now in Beer!


WTF, Microplastics Are Now in Beer!

WTF! Microplastics are now in BEER!

What are microplastics, Dr. Wetbrain thought.

Well apparently, everything made these days are made with these tiny little plastic beads and everything of no use is thrown away as garbage which breaks down through time and turns back into these tiny plastic beads.

The microplastics are into the whole environment such as air, water, sea water and soil. We are all consuming this plastic for our survival, like eating and drinking. Also, wildlife is dealing with this human caused fate.

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The Kraken and Rum.

In the 1700’s large merchant ships were attacked by huge sea creatures that had large heads and long fat octopus like tentacles. Stories would tell that this huge sea creature would quickly swim around the ship to create a whirlpool thus sinking the boat then eating the floating crew members.

“So, Harold.” Dr. Wetbrain blurted out. “You know how much I love stories about cryptids.” Harold sighed and replied with, “yes, I do.”

Of course, I had to look further into the Kraken and rum story.

The rumor of the Kraken started in 1700 somewhere in the Norwegian Sea between Iceland and Norway. Described somewhat by Italian Catholic Priest Francesco Negri.

Same Kraken description was given in detail in 1734 by Hans Egede, The Apostle of Greenland.

Description of The Kraken:

Huge sea serpent which has many heads, several claws and the body measured many miles in length. OK… too much rum.

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Drunk Wild Animals.

One day while sitting in Harold’s porch his dog Tequila walked by. Seeing the dog Harold recalled a moment, then glanced at Dr. Wetbrain and spoke.

“I was drinking with this hillbilly on his farm one day and he had a huge mangy dog. This dog has his own beer bowl! This hillbilly would pour two cans of beer into this bowl and the dog would sloppily lap up most of the beer, looked at us then staggered away. Weird!”

The Doctor sat up, put down his beer and said, “That’s not weird! All sorts of wild animals like to get drunk also. Let me tell you about some of these drunk wild animals.

In Madden, Alberta there are the Bohemian Waxwing birds who in the fall consume as much fermented Mountain Ash berries as possible before the winter weather comes in and the berries are gone. These drunk birds were stumbling around and flying into things like windows and power poles. So, in Madden the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Center collects these drunk, passed out birds, then they are put into a hamster cage till they sober up. Then these waxwing birds are released the next day into the wild. A bird drunk tank.

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Artificial Intelligence Changes Brewing Beer.


Artificial Intelligence Changes Brewing Beer.


Artificial Intelligence is really getting into too much of our human lives. These days A.I. is involved in medicine, art, music and duplicating people’s image along with their voice and even bars. Scary!

And now A.I. is used to make great tasting beer by redesigning the recipe. Remember that a computer does not have taste buds! Also, with all the senses us humans have and the nonsenses that the internet has, would artificial intelligence make better tasting beer? Dr. Wetbrain had to investigate this crazy idea.

A.I. has a large data base on the beloved beer which links chemical data with sensory features to accurately predict a beer’s taste and smell, apparently.

Beer has basically 4 main ingredients of hops, yeast, grains and water. What I have seen is that A.I. beer brewing can predict how beer tastes from its chemical make up and then comes up with great recipe ideas, but the ingredient numbers are off. That’s where the human touch comes in to make the beer perfect. Otherwise, bad tasting, 2% beer.

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