Helpful Climate Change Tips – By Drinkers.

   Throughout the world proud farmers are dealing with a variety of climate change issues such as drought, wildfires and these new wars are not helping either.

These proud farmers that are fighting against climate change anyway they can with the science that they have at hand. Only to feed the world. But you can only do what you can with what you have. Another drought would devastate the production of wheat, barley and other grains which would bring shortages of a grain yield to the already starving world.

Shortage of wheat and other grains would bring the prices of bread, cookies, pastries, noodles and granola bars to triple or more in cost.

Worst yet shortage of barley due to climate change would triple the prices of baby food, breakfast cereal and BEER!

   So, with that in mind Dr. Wetbrain thought of ways to help the climate change problem.

– Save on water consumption – Flush toilet on every 4th or 5th pee break. Flushing all beer pees is not needed for a gallon of good water, wasted.

Save on plastic waste – 6 or 8 pack plastic rings for cans, collect as many as you can into a plastic garbage bag. Will be easy for recyclers to separate to the good bin. Plus save the lives of some of those poor seagulls being chocked to death by this plastic beer can holder from the dump.

  – Don’t drive while drunk! –  Save gas, fossil fuel and pollution by using an EV Uber or EV taxi or even a bus. Let us not forget the loss of a few years of your normal life from an expensive impaired charge.

– Beer or whiskey can and bottle empties – Take in all your bottles and cans to your nearest bottle depot. An investment for your next purchase of beer or whiskey.

   Dr. Wetbrain concluded. That’s all I have for helping the climate change problem for now. Perhaps more tips to come. Stay tuned.

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