Sitting on a bar stool at the counter Dr. Wetbrain staring at the waitress for a long, long time decided and stated, “OK, I will try a shot of this Jagermeister.” The shot was poured out of a square metal dispenser designed only to pour out the right amount of Jagermeister at the right temperature. The shot was downed in one gulp.
There are people who love Jagermeister or absolutely hate this drink. It’s one or the other. No grey zone here. I personally thought it tasted like cough and flu medicine. In fact, I heard stories that in the 1950’s pharmacists sold Jagermeister as a cold remedy. Could not find the facts on this story.
The story of Jagermeister is a little on the boring side.

Once upon a time Wilhelm Mast in Wolfenbuttel, Germany started a wine and vinegar company in the early 1900’s. In 1934 his son Curt took over the company. Curt Mast in 1935 invented a concoction of 56 botanical herbs and spices into a drink and called it Jagermeister. Worthy of the best cold and flu remedy one could buy. With 35% alcohol one could be very happy curing their cold.
Besides a flu remedy this popular liquor gives other health benefits such as controlling blood sugar levels which benefits diabetes and gives a lower risk of strokes.
Fun notes on Jagermeister.
Jagger-bomb drink – Drop a shot of Jagermeister into a glass of Redbull. And good luck.

Guns and Roses canceled a concert in Maine, USA in 2006 due not enough Jagermeister. W.T.F!
After Dr. Wetbrain blabbed out his Jagermeister story to the waitress, she just stared at him again, only for a few seconds this time. She then turned around and walked away shaking her head and gave the doctor a back handed wave.
“See!” Wetbrain thought. “She thought the story was boring also.”