Dr. Wetbrain Presents…
Drinking Fun.
This is a website all about alcohol fun, trivia and facts. Information filled with booze history, modern liquor inventions, funny drunk stories and drinking games.
Entertain yourself and others with all sorts of liquor facts like – did you know that wild animals like to get drunk? Also, there is booze on the International Space Station.
Booze history – before bombing Pearl Harbor the Japanese pilots had a drink of Sake from a ceremonial cup.
Drinking fun – funny stories, music and unique drinking games.
Who the hell is Dr. Wetbrain?
Dr. Wetbrain, who has turned 65 this year is an interesting, gentleman. Besides always dressing in dignified attire from the 1800s, he seems almost normal, also a happy guy. It looks like he shaves sometimes. He also knows a little bit about everything.
Great entertainment for your man-cave, the bus, living room, or the toilet. Show your friends how smart you are with your newly found knowledge on booze.
Thank you and enjoy,
Dr. Wetbrain.