
Country Artists And Booze Brands.

Country Artists And Booze Brands.

Dr. Wetbrain and Harold have been listening to a country music radio station lately. The doctor looked over to Harold and made a profound comment. “Did you notice how most of the country songs deal with beer, whiskey and pick-up trucks.

“And love.” Harold added.

“I don’t know about love.” Wetbrain replied. Of course, you don’t, Harold thought to himself.

“But we should look into how many country artists own their own brand of beer or whiskey”, Dr. Wetbrain stated.

Ends up there are plenty. Here are a few country entrepreneurs for starters.

Willie Nelson – Old Whiskey River Bourbon.

   Distilled by Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc., this 86 proof Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey was made with the thought of Willie Nelson’s 1978 song ‘Whiskey River” in mind.

This fine whiskey is aged in charred American oak barrels for 6 years. Each of the good looking ‘Old Whiskey River Bourbon’ bottles comes with a Willie Nelson’s guitar pick.

Willies drinking songs: Whiskey River, Drinking Champagne, I Gotta Get Drunk, Beer for My Horses, Bloody Mary Morning.

Luke Bryan – Two Lane American Golden Lager.

   This 4.2% lager beer was brewed in collaboration with Luke Bryan and Blue Crown Brewing in Daleville, Virginia.

Relaunching in 2020, thanks to the pandemic, Two Lane beer will be delayed and now available in early 2024.

Luke Bryan and Blue Crown Brewing are also launching a Hard Seltzer with 4 flavors – Cherry Limeade, Peach Tea, Blueberry Lemonade and Watermelon Punch.

Luke Bryan’s drinking songs: Drink a Beer, Got a Beer In My Hand, Drinking Again, Take My Drunk Ass Home.

Eric Church – Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel Select.

   Eric Church joined together with Jack Daniels to create Eric Church’s Single Barrel Select. A 94 proof, one-of-a-kind whiskey based on Eric’s fine whiskey taste with a hint of vanilla and caramel.

Eric Church and Jack Daniels released the Single Barrel Select Whiskey on August 3, 2020. With the pandemic, good timing.

Eric Church’s drinking songs: Drink in My Hand, Jack Daniels, Mixed drinks about feeling.

Darius Rucker – Backstage Southern Whiskey.

   Debuted in 2017, Darius Rucker, originally from Hootie and the Blowfish made his own whiskey. Backstage Southern Whiskey.

This 84% proof whiskey originated from Darius having a tradition before each show where he would have a backstage toast with all the bandmates.

Backstage Southern Whiskey made by Palmetto Distillery, South Carolina.

Darius Rucker’s drinking songs: Beer and Sunshine, Drinkin’ and Dialin’, Same Beer Different Problem, 7 Days.

Beer, whiskey and pick-up trucks, maybe the odd tractor is what most of the best country music deals with. But that is what makes the music real. Down to earth.

More country music artists and booze brands to come. Stay tuned.


Helpful Climate Change Tips – By Drinkers.

   Throughout the world proud farmers are dealing with a variety of climate change issues such as drought, wildfires and these new wars are not helping either.

These proud farmers that are fighting against climate change anyway they can with the science that they have at hand. Only to feed the world. But you can only do what you can with what you have. Another drought would devastate the production of wheat, barley and other grains which would bring shortages of a grain yield to the already starving world.

Shortage of wheat and other grains would bring the prices of bread, cookies, pastries, noodles and granola bars to triple or more in cost.

Worst yet shortage of barley due to climate change would triple the prices of baby food, breakfast cereal and BEER!

   So, with that in mind Dr. Wetbrain thought of ways to help the climate change problem.

– Save on water consumption – Flush toilet on every 4th or 5th pee break. Flushing all beer pees is not needed for a gallon of good water, wasted.

Save on plastic waste – 6 or 8 pack plastic rings for cans, collect as many as you can into a plastic garbage bag. Will be easy for recyclers to separate to the good bin. Plus save the lives of some of those poor seagulls being chocked to death by this plastic beer can holder from the dump.

  – Don’t drive while drunk! –  Save gas, fossil fuel and pollution by using an EV Uber or EV taxi or even a bus. Let us not forget the loss of a few years of your normal life from an expensive impaired charge.

– Beer or whiskey can and bottle empties – Take in all your bottles and cans to your nearest bottle depot. An investment for your next purchase of beer or whiskey.

   Dr. Wetbrain concluded. That’s all I have for helping the climate change problem for now. Perhaps more tips to come. Stay tuned.

Does Powdered Alcohol Exist?

Does Powdered Alcohol Exist?


   One day Dr. Wetbrain walked into the kitchen onto Harold putting into a glass of water a teaspoon of a powdered substance.

“What poison are you using Harold!” The doctor yelled.

“Seltzer. Upset stomach if you don’t mind!” Harold replied angrily.

“I thought it was powdered alcohol.” Wetbrain coyly remarked. Like we care.

Sato Foods

“Powdered Alcohol exists!?” Harold said with his eyes wide open.

Well Harold in 1966 Sato Foods from Japan created many powdered compounds of natural products such as vegetables and fruits. One great substance they created was powdered alcohol. Sato Foods technology for the processing patents was acquired in 17 countries. Now selling in the U.S.A.

Scottsdale, Arizona. Inventor Mark Phillips on March 10, 2015, received approval by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau to sell Palcohol in the United States.

Palcohol is freeze-dried powdered alcohol produced as ready-made cocktail drinks such as margaritas, cosmopolitans, premium Vodka and Puerto Rican rum drinks.

The Lipsmark Co. sell this product in foil pouches made like drinking glasses where the drink you have sat on the table upright perfectly.

Just pour in 5 ounces of water, zip the pouch closed, shake like hell till powder dissolves. A perfect margarita. Unzip the pouch and enjoy.

Sure, they have whipped cream with alcohol, caffeinated and chocolate alcohol. Unfortunately, Palcohol was condemned by the media. Apparently, this powdered alcohol was experimented on by snorting the powder like cocaine by certain individuals. No noted facts but I’m sure someone tried. Of course, the teenagers might find the bright packages too appealing. Plus, you can sneak these little pouches into events and venues. That charge should be good for a year or 2 in jail.

So, you can still purchase this powdered alcohol in some of the U.S. states like Washington, Alaska and Colorado and a few others. The other states banned Palcohol. What the…?

So now you know that Powdered Alcohol does exist. What a great idea Harold thought as he was checking out Amazon for a delivery. Just cocktail powdered mix available at Amazon if you must know. Cheers!

Trivial Pursuit Game Was Created – While Drunk.

Trivial Pursuit Game Was Created While Drunk.

“What’s the most popular cocktail in the U.S.? Do you know the answer, Harold?”

“How the hell would I know that!?”

“The martini.” The doctor replied.

“What card are you reading?” Harold asked.

“Remember playing the board game Trivial Pursuit?”

The Trivial Pursuit board game was first conceived on December 15, 1979, by two beer drinking Canadians, Chris Haney and Scott Abbott who created this world-famous board game. Created with the help of plenty of Carlsberg Beer.

Chris Haney and Scott Abbott spent 2 exhausting years thinking and writing up 6000 questions and answers for the first edition of the Trivial Pursuit game.

1200 of these board games were put together in Niagara-Of-Lake, Ontario, Canada in 1981. These games were sold in the spring of 1982.

Trivial Pursuit became popular immediately to the point where this board game sold 20 million copies in 1984! Thank you, Carlsberg Beer.

Other Trivial Pursuit Game Editions that were produced later…

– Sports

– TV Edition

– 1960’s

– 1980’s

– Baby Boomer

– Walt Disney

– Star Wars

– Lord Of the Rings

– Power Rangers (What!?)

Unfortunately, Chris Haney died by kidney and circulatory problems on May 31, 2010. Survived by his 2 wives and 3 children. Here’s a drink of Carlsberg Beer to you Chris.

Hasbro bought the board game Trivial Pursuit in 2008 for $80 million and is still going strong as the 7th most popular game of all time.

9 Very Spooky Halloween Drinks.

Portrait of a vampire.

9 Very Spooky Halloween Drinks.

Dr. Wetbrain, snickering, walked into the dining room where Harold was sitting.

“So, I see you have your Halloween costume on.” Wetbrain jokingly said for Harold looks like he always does.

“So, I see you have yours on also!” Harold replied with a grin.

“Let’s get the party started with some spooky Halloween drinks. So, this year do you want to be the werewolf or vampire?” The doctor asked.

This year if you want to be a vampire for Halloween and want human blood in your cocktail. May I mention that drinking human blood can make you sick by inviting viruses into your body such as Hepatitis and HIV.

Pig’s Blood on the other hand would work out as a much safer cocktail ingredient even for vampires.

Werewolves of London   By –  Drinking in

– 2 oz. of Dry gin

– 1 oz. of Pimm’s No. 1 (A gin liqueur)

– 2 oz. of Pineapple juice

– coconut syrup

– Small amount of Pig’s Blood.


Bloody Mary

Since the 1970’s young teenage girls would challenge the ‘Bloody Mary Game’ by going into a washroom with a lit candle. Then look into a mirror and say Bloody Mary 3 times. Eventually drops of blood would appear in the mirror on the first 2 sessions. On the third Bloody Mary incantation a ghostly apparition will appear.

One of the theories of who this ghastly apparition is a Hungarian Countess named Elizabeth Bathory “Queen of Blood”. In the early 1600s she was convicted of murdering 650 young girls so she can bathe in their blood. A type of skin treatment at the time.


Bloody Mary – The Cocktail.  By –  A Couple Cooks

   – 2 oz. Vodka

– 4 oz. Tomato Juice

– Dash of Lemon Juice

– 2 dashes of Worcestershire Sauce

– 2 dashes of Tabasco Sauce

– Celery Salt to Rim the Glass

– 2 tbs. of Horseradish



Vampires Kiss.  By –  A Couple Cooks

–  Vodka

–  Chambord – A popular raspberry liqueur

–  100% Cranberry Juice

–  A little Lemon Juice

–  Grenadine

–  Dry ice for effects.


Nightmare On Bourbon Street.

   Recipe – Half Baked Harvest   By – Cosmopolitan

   – Rim a cocktail glass with cinnamon sugar.

– In a shaker with ice combine…

– 1 & 1/2 oz. of Bourbon

– ¼ cup of Apple Cider

– 1 oz of Lemon Juice

– Few tbs. of Maple Syrup

– Hint of Ginger and Cinnamon

– Shake

– Pour into Rimmed Cocktail Glass

– Top with Splash of Sparkling Apple Cider


Classic Zombie   By – A Couple Cooks

Warning! This is a strong drink in a large glass.

– 1.5 oz. Of White Rum

– 1.5 oz. Of Spiced Rum

– 1.5 oz. Of Dark Rum or Go Dangerous, 151 Proof Rum

– ¾ oz. Of Lime Juice

– Dash of Lemon Juice

– ½ oz. Of Pineapple Juice

– ½ oz. Of Passion Fruit Syrup

– Dash of Orange Bitters

– 1 Tbs. Of Grenadine



Witch’s Brew Lemonade    Recipe – Delish     By – Cosmopolitan

Shakespeare: Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and caldron bubble.

– Fill tall glass with ice

– 2 oz. Of Gin

– 2 oz. Of Sparkling Lemonade

– 2 oz. Slow Pour of Blue Curacao, Let Settle to Bottom of Glass


Zombie Brain Shot   By – Homemade Hooplah

– In a shot glass, 1 oz. of Peach Schnapps

– Gently layer 1oz. of Bailey’s or any other Irish Cream

– Carefully add a couple drops of Grenadine

This small drink becomes a creepy Zombie Brain Effect.


Corpse Reviver #2   By – A Couple Cooks

– In a medium drinking glass with some ice.

– ¾ oz. Of Gin

– ¾ oz. Of Lemon Juice

– ¾ oz. Of Cointreau

– ¾ oz. Of Dry Vermouth

– Splash Of Absinthe


Poison Apple   By – Jillian Harris

– Fill shaker with crushed ice

– Add 2 oz. Vodka

– 2 oz. Cranberry – Apple Juice

– 1 oz. Pomegranate Juice

– Shake, pour into tall glass.


Harold finally replied to Dr. Wetbrains question. “Ok, I will be the vampire this time. But NO blood drinks! Unless it’s your blood Wetbrain.” Harold gave an evil snicker.

Climate Change and the Beer Shortage.

Climate Change and the Beer Shortage.


“Harold you are spilling out a 1/8th of a bottle of beer! What are you doing? That’s alcohol abuse.” Dr. Wetbrain yelled.

“Spit, backwash”, Harold remarked.

“That’s no excuse. Don’t you know a beer shortage is coming thanks to climate change?” Wetbrain concluded.

Sure, the barley crop was plentiful at one time until the climate change effect came into view. Drought and heat waves are the main culprits in depleting the barley harvest. Droughts, heat waves, floods, hailstorms, grasshoppers’ migration, wildfires (smoke) all have contributing factors to climate change and the production of the most popular alcohol drink – BEER.

Severe droughts and heatwaves were highly hit in North America, UK and China. Other worst hit territories include Belgium, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Ireland.

Beer loving Ireland could triple on beer prices soon. Yikes!

All natural products like chocolate, coffee, wine and now Beer are all effected by climate change.

Sadly, Barley is one of the most heat-sensitive crops globally. What timing!

20% of barley goes to Beer. Most barley goes to feed livestock like cows and pigs. So, BBQing with a cold beer is contradicting each other. Funny!

Lots of other Barley hinderance is blamed on distribution, also the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Putin!!!

Two years ago, Ukraine produced 10 million tons of barley, only 6 million these days. Putin blowing up poor farmers fields, plus the droughts, plus shutting down ship movement in the Black Sea made a great decline in their barley distribution.

It did not help that in the middle of July 2023 Russia bombed the port city of Ukraine in Odesa destroying 60,000 tons of wheat and barley.

Oktoberfest in Munich Germany which hosts 7 million thirsty visitors will suffer from the fate of beer. Thank you climate change.

Eventually we will be paying double to triple the price for our beloved beer. Talk about inflation.

“Got that Harold! Cherish what we have. No more spilling out ‘spit, backwash and beer‘.”

Shilly-Shally Drinking Game.

Shilly-Shally Drinking Game.


Dr. Wetbrain constantly adds words to people talking to him too slowly. Welcome to his world of playing with Shilly-shally.

    Dr. Wetbrain

Merrian-Webster Dictionary defines ‘Shilly-Shally” as an Adverb.

1) in an irresolute, undecided, or hesitating manner.

2) to show hesitation or lack of decisiveness.

3) to waste time.


This is a quick, be on the ball, witty drinking game which you can play anywhere, anytime. To begin, you and your drinking friends must be beside a television, radio (maybe not a car radio while drinking and driving), smart phone, laptop or computer to be able to play this drinking game.



Step 1

As mentioned previously this game can be played anywhere, anytime where someone is talking. Whether this speaking voice is funneled through a radio, new favorite television show, smart phone, a new movie, recorded lecture (not seen), or a group of friends where only one person is talking.

Notice how ‘new’ was noted on a few of these ‘voice’ speaking examples. An important moral component to this game is that we do not want previously watched cheating. Why cheat on simple fun drinking games anyways. Do not have to worry about a radio announcer, their speech will be always new.

  Step 2

Let us try some examples.

Example 1

Movie –

Bullet Train new trailer out. Brad Pitt shows his funny side as he dodges assassins - India Today

Brad Pitt. “I will always (er)….”. Right at that ‘er’ moment everyone playing must guess what his next word or phrase will be before he does say what is written for him on the script. You only have a few seconds to guess.

Guess examples:

– try

– be there

– love you

– kill kittens

– etc.

Example 2

Radio announcer. “Tragedy has hit the town of Cynthia. The culprits were in a ‘ummm’.” Right at that ‘ummm’ moment everyone must guess what his next word or phrase will be.

Guess examples:

– car

– truck

– frenzy

– tiff

– sexual rampage

– etc.


Step 3

The first right answer from the participants gets to appoint a drink, and how much to drink to whoever he chooses.

Sort of an addictive game. Pretty soon you find yourself filling-in with people’s hesitating speech everywhere.


A way to look at this game is like when someone stutters you always want to verbally fill in the word he is trying to say before he finishes.

Have fun. Cheers!

History Of Pirates And Rum.

History Of Pirates and Rum.

    “Arr Ye Matie!”

“Are you drunk Wetbrain? What the hell was that?” Harold had to ask.

“I just finished watching the first ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movie Harold. So, you know I had to find out about the true history of pirates and rum.”

Harold just rolled his eyes and spoke. “OK give it to me.”

In the 16th and 17th centuries London was overcrowded with plenty of unemployment and plenty of very poor citizens. The ordinary poor seamen said ‘F**K You’ English government we will make money! Pirates were born. Let the plundering begin!

Rum in the Golden Age of Pirates, which was between 1650 to 1720, was used as currency in those days. So, at the beginning the Pirates would sail around the Mediterranean Sea in large sailing ships equipped with cannons plundering Spanish ships which had treasure, gold and barrels of Rum. Plenty of barrels of rum. The Pirates never used the rum to sell. They just drank it all.

Then when the Americas was discovered thanks to Christopher Columbus, piracy continued during the American Revolution and Napoleon wars. The Pirates attacked American merchant vessels about 1775 to 1800 for the booty of treasure and of course Rum.

Pirates today are mostly Somalian renegades sailing on old fishing boats with no sails or cannons and not tackling the huge merchant ships. But rich looking yachts are the right sized targets to plunder. Hopefully the yacht will have rum.

Rum in the earlier Pirate days was always in barrels and every Pirate had a tin cup. The oldest bottled rum was recently found. 59 bottles of 1780 Barbados Dark Rum was discovered at the Harewood Estate. Unfortunately, only 23 bottles were suitable for sale or drinking. One of these bottles of rum sold for $30,000 to a collector from Switzerland.

The Golden Age of Pirates produced some famous figures such as…

Captain Kidd

Blackbeard (Edward Teach)

Henry Morgan

Calico Jack

Anne Bonny

Through the ages of piracy there are 4 types of Pirates.

1)  Corsairs – Plundered on the Mediterranean Sea from the 15th to the 18th centuries.

2)  Buccaneers – From the Caribbean Island sailed under the skull and crossbones and pillaged Spanish treasure ships in the 17th century.

3)  Privateers – The civil war in the early 1800s between Great Britain with Anglo-American against the Caribbean Privateers with Republics of Pirates were brutal battles. Serious cannons were shot at each other during that war. Unfortunately, the British won.

4)  Somalian Pirates Todays Pirates which are not as glamorized as the Pirates of the past. Still pillaging to this day.

“Very cool dramatic history of Pirates and rum, what did you think Harold?”

Harold replied. “Arr Ye Matie”.

Dr. Wetbrain’s Sake Story.

Dr. Wetbrain’s Sake Story.      


Dr. Wetbrain says that he never tried Sake. But tasting this libation is on his bucket list. “Now I must make a trip to Japan”, he would conclude. Of course, Dr. Wetbrain knows a thing or two about Sake.

        Sake is a Japanese wine that is made by fermenting polished rice. Even though Sake is considered a wine the brewing process is more like making beer.

Wine has an alcohol content of 9 – 18%; beer 3 – 9%; Sake 18 – 20%; whiskey 35 – 40%; moonshine has lots of percentage.


Sake History

The first recorded history of Sake was in the Nara period (710 – 794AD) Much Sake brewing was done in the temples of Nara by monks who were known as Sobo-shu. The monks used Sake as an offering to cleanse their temple through taking shots with religious ceremonies.

From the Shang dynasty (1600 – 1046BC) bones were found with the note of alcohol beverages scrawled upon them. Who knows, maybe Sake. That was over 3000 years ago.

At one point in Japan a kuchi-kami Sake was brewed by the rice being chewed up by beautiful virgin girls and then spit into a large vat.

Dr. Wetbrain thought, “I think if this process was done by Sumo wrestlers the appeal would not be the same.”

The Japanese place a very high value on this special beverage, just look at their artfully crafted and decorated cups, china and wooden containers all dedicated to Sake and sometimes tea.

LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01

Sake Cup, 17th Century from

In fact, the Japanese pilots who went on a bombing mission to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 all had a drink of Sake from a ceremonial cup before taking off.

“A flask or two of this drink would be coming with me on this mission.” Thank you Dr. Wetbrain for that input.