Dr. Wetbrain’s Sake Story.

Dr. Wetbrain’s Sake Story.      


Dr. Wetbrain says that he never tried Sake. But tasting this libation is on his bucket list. “Now I must make a trip to Japan”, he would conclude. Of course, Dr. Wetbrain knows a thing or two about Sake.

        Sake is a Japanese wine that is made by fermenting polished rice. Even though Sake is considered a wine the brewing process is more like making beer.

Wine has an alcohol content of 9 – 18%; beer 3 – 9%; Sake 18 – 20%; whiskey 35 – 40%; moonshine has lots of percentage.


Sake History

The first recorded history of Sake was in the Nara period (710 – 794AD) Much Sake brewing was done in the temples of Nara by monks who were known as Sobo-shu. The monks used Sake as an offering to cleanse their temple through taking shots with religious ceremonies.

From the Shang dynasty (1600 – 1046BC) bones were found with the note of alcohol beverages scrawled upon them. Who knows, maybe Sake. That was over 3000 years ago.

At one point in Japan a kuchi-kami Sake was brewed by the rice being chewed up by beautiful virgin girls and then spit into a large vat.

Dr. Wetbrain thought, “I think if this process was done by Sumo wrestlers the appeal would not be the same.”

The Japanese place a very high value on this special beverage, just look at their artfully crafted and decorated cups, china and wooden containers all dedicated to Sake and sometimes tea.

LEAD Technologies Inc. V1.01

Sake Cup, 17th Century from Metmuseum.org

In fact, the Japanese pilots who went on a bombing mission to Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 all had a drink of Sake from a ceremonial cup before taking off.

“A flask or two of this drink would be coming with me on this mission.” Thank you Dr. Wetbrain for that input.

10 Best Funny Drunk Memes.

10 Best Funny Drunk Memes.


One day Harold, while watching his laptop, belted out loud laughter. What now? Dr. Wetbrain thought.

“Wetbrain you have to come and see this funny drunk meme.

“Harold you actually know what memes are?” Dr. Wetbrain asked.

“Sort of” Harold humbly replied. Of course, the doctor has to tell Harold about funny drunk memes.

The first known use of the word ‘Meme’ was in 1976 by biologist Richard Dawkins in his book ‘The Selfish Gene’ which had basically the same definition as the present.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition:

1)  an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.

2)   an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.


Time for my favorite 10 Funny Drunk Memes.

    SayingImages.com had many of my favorite funny drunk memes.













After showing my funny drunk meme playlist to Harold, he could not stop uncontrollably laughing at them with tears and all. After composing himself, Harold noted that now he knows what a ‘meme’ is.

Good for you. Sarcastically Dr. Wetbrain replied. There will be more memes to come.

Drunk Fighting With Intimate Partner.

Drunk Fighting with Intimate Partner.


Harold and Dr. Wetbrain one day were listening to a country radio station and came across an awesome song. “Wait In the Truck”. By Hardy, featuring Lainey Wilson. In this song there are a few important lines.

–  “She was bruised and broke from head to toe with a tear with her blood-stained shirt.”

–  “All the whiskey scars I hid.”

What is wrong with these assholes beating up the one they love? So, my question is. Why does alcohol consumption contribute to violent behaviour?

Some experts say that built up inhibitions due to our society status breaks open when the alcohol weakens your mental control center in the brain.

OK a little brain science. Blood through 2 sets of arteries with alcohol gets to your brain. Cerebrum, the largest part of your brain controls all your senses as well as reasoning and emotions. The frontal lobe of the Cerebrum controls personality, behavior and emotions just to mention a few. Emotions like anger or lust.

Note: Personally I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

Problem #1 is when you are drunk you just see what is in front of you. Tunnel vision. So, you don’t see the full 360 degrees and future consequences of the situation at hand.

Problem #2 is while drunk, of course you are not thinking properly with excessive alcohol effecting the part of the brain that associates with inhibitions such as anger or lust which at this point you have none.

Noted that 55% of violent partner abuse was due to alcohol consumption.


– In one year 10 million women and men are abused by their intimate partner, drunk and that number is just we know about. Most times, authorities are not called.

11% of homicides are caused due to booze.

Well done song, ‘Wait in The Truck’. Sadly, though I have come across women in the that state of wickedness done to them. I sure wanted to do what the guy in the song did. I fear that I am gutless! Harold your passed out again… Harold!

Dean Martin and Jonathan Winters at The Bar – 1969 TV.

Dean Martin and Jonathan Winters at The Bar – 1969 TV.


One day Dr. Wetbrain blurted out to Harold about his amazement on the advancement of technology in the last 6 decades.

In the 60s and 70s technology was very limited. Cellphone!? What the hell is that?! For communication in those days, we only had one house rotary dial phone with a short cord and at least 5 other households on the same party line. If your neighbor was on their phone you had to wait until they were60s and 70s tv shows, done to use yours. It was a guessing game. Each time you pick up the receiver to see if the phone line is open, you mostly hear, “Line busy!”

Television viewing was great on the large 18-inch color TV. Since you don’t know any better that the

quality and size made TV viewing more advanced. You only had 3 channels from your antenna reception input. That was OK for your channel changing dial only went to 12. The 60s and 70s TV shows were the best though with their innocent charm and humor. Shows like The Dean Martin Show, Carrol Burnett Show, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, Jetsons and Gilligan’s Island to mention a few.


Check out this live 1969 Dean Martin Show with Jonathan Winters.

Harold replied with, “I miss those good old simple days”.

Mark Paulson and 1971 Wine.

Mike Paulson and 1971 Wine. 

San Francisco in 1971 Mark Paulson was influenced by a friend to purchase a 3-liter bottle of expensive wine for only $250. These days that value would be around $2000. This classy Domaine de la Romanee – Conti wine would be a great present for my daughter’s wedding, Mark thought later.

Fifty years later Mr. Paulson’s son Cody brought to his dad an article about the same bottle of wine that was auctioned off for a mere $80,000. Cody tried to buy this bottle of wine of $5000, dad said no. Shortly after Mark explained this new information to his daughter and gently mentioned that this wine is no longer a wedding present. She concurred.

This precious wine which barely survived an earthquake in 1989, is now set up to be auctioned off by the Bonhams Skinner Auction House. Bidding starts at $50,000. Mr. Paulson noted that with all the publicity going on this bottle can fetch $100,000. Good luck Mark. It may very well happen. I think Mark Paulson has chosen correctly when he bought that fine bottle of Domaine de la Romanee – Conti wine in 1971. Made in Burgundy, France since 1232, Dr. Wetbrain added.

Dr. Wetbrain reminiscing of the 70’s. “I remember during my late teens when you wanted booze you had to find a bootlegger. Someone that was old enough to get into the liquor store. All our peers bought a case of beer or a 26 oz. bottle of whiskey or vodka. Not Lawrence, my best friend and me. We always got a case of fancy imported wines. Wines like Piesporter, Blue Nun and Black Tower. We were so stylish then.”

Unique Whiskey Float.

Whiskey Float Drink.


Dr. Wetbrain was sitting at his kitchen table looking out the window at the forest one day, thinking about the young days.

Remembering one young day learning how to make whiskey floats. Introduced by a new acquaintance. This drinking experiment started out with whiskey then escalated to vodka and white rum. This is a whiskey float drink that you would never imagine and without ice cream.

Dr. Wetbrain’s Whiskey Float.  

   You need:

  • Few medium sizes shot glasses.
  • A cheese cloth kitchen towel or a light towel will do.
  • Favorite Whiskey.


1) Fill shot glass ¾ full of water.

2) Place the towel tightly over the shot glass.

3) With two fingers slowly push the tight towel into the glass till you reach the top of the water.

4) After slowly pour into the shot glass over the towel your favorite whiskey, rye, rum or vodka till near full. Dark rum does not work the best for the floating process due to its heavier density.

5) Then very slowly pull the cheese cloth tightly to the top of the glass. Take the cloth off and put to the side for the next whiskey float.

6) Then lift the full shot glass up to eye level and be astonished on how the whiskey sits on top of the water. Density at play.  Then shoot that glass down in one shot. You don’t even taste the alcohol, just feel the burn.

Other Whiskey Floats.  

Whiskey Ice Cream Float.

  • Place few scoops of vanilla ice cream into a tall glass.
  • Top with a splash of Cola and same amount of whiskey.
  • Drink with a straw, slurp or spoon is optional.

Beer Float.

According to Just Beer a beer float should be made with a beer that has a sweet finish. Bitter beer is not good.

  • Place a few scoops of vanilla ice cream into a tall glass.
  • Fill that glass with your favorite beer.
  • To be fancy top with chocolate shavings or whipped cream.

Ah, remembrance from youth. We spent a whole week experimenting with alcohol floats. Home for a rest after that boozing stint.

St. Patrick’s Day Green Rivers.

St. Patrick’s Day Green Rivers.

Chicago Skylines building along green dyeing river of Chicago River on St. Patrick’s day festival in Chicago Downtown IL USA

One day Dr. Wetbrain was in the Central Hotel bar having a pint of green beer among an overpopulated drunk group of leprechauns and leprechaunettes. Yes, it is March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. Which made the Doctor think of the green rivers dedicated to this day. The only green water I know about is the swamp I have in the back 40s and has nothing to do with St. Patrick’s Day. Here are his findings.

The most popular green St. Patrick’s Day River is the Chicago River. This festive gimmick was originally launched in 1962 with a few small boats spewing out an oil-based fluorescein green dye. The Chicago River’s fish, otters and environmentalists did not like these toxins at all. In 1966 the dying chemicals changed to a vegetable-based dye. The fish, otters and environmentalists seemed happier.

Apparently dying the river costs $133.oo/minute. Dying the river starts one week before St. Patrick’s Day with the 2 little boats spewing the dye.

Other St. Patrick’s Day green water.  

St. Patrick’s Day Trivia.    

1)  Green beer is made with blue food coloring.

2)  Corn beef and cabbage is the traditional meal for this day.

Brief history.

  St. Patrick’s Day started in the early 17th century due to the death of St. Patrick. Patron Saint of Ireland. Observed by the Catholic Church.

São Patrício – Basílica de São Patrício, Montreal – Foto: François Boulay


   All Dr. Wetbrain could do in this bar is raise his green beer mug and yell out, “Here’s to St. Patrick!” Everyone drank their green beer also.

Drinking Games With Cards – Drunk Driver.


Do not drive after playing this game. In fact, walking may even be a chore.



Step # 1 

In a pyramid formation place, face down, 15 cards.

Placing one card face-down on the top row. Two cards on the 2nd row. Three on 3rd row. Four on 4th row and 5 cards on bottom row.


Step # 1

First player starts by verbally picking a color. Do you want red or black? He then picks a card from the bottom row and flips it over, face up.

Step # 2

If he is correct on his color decision. He continues to guess on the 4th row. Red or black? Flip his chosen card, face up. If he is correct on that one. Carry on to the 3rd row. And 2nd. And top row. Correct guessing on all 5 rows…. you win! Do not drink. Next player’s turn.

Step # 3

But if the player guessed wrong on any of the rows up. He drinks the total amount of rows he was able to get right. Plus, the one he screwed up on.

i.e. – If player guessed the proper color on the bottom 5th row and on the 4th row. But, guessed wrong on the 3rd row. He drinks 3 drinks.

If player guessed right on the bottom 5th row, all the way up to the 2nd row. But, wrong on the top first row. He drinks 5 drinks.

Step # 4

As soon as the player guesses wrong on any row. The faced-up cards that he picked, are replaced then with new cards from the deck, face down, on top of those picked. The player that lost, tries again.

Step # 5

The player keeps trying until he successful to drive all the way to the top.

Step # 6

It may sound like a heavy drinking game. It can be, depending on how many times you keep on guessing wrong. But with enough players, you would have enough time to let all those drinks settle before it’s your turn again. 

Simplify this game.

Instead of the same losing player continuing, just carry on to the next player. Red or black?

Note: If you keep winning at this ‘Drunk Driver’ game, good chance you will be the ‘designated driver’.

Difference Between White, Spiced and Dark Rum.

White, Spiced and Dark Rums.

    One night Dr. Wetbrain and Harold were at the old kitchen table drinking a fancy drink in fancy glasses yet. A libation of 2 maybe 3 ounces of white rum, one oz. of lime juice and ¾ oz. of demerara sugar syrup. Yes, a Daiquiri!

“Harold, I have a rum story to tell you”, Dr. Wetbrain blurted out. “And its not a pirate story.”

United Kingdom’s fastest growing drink brand is Bacardi according to Instagram. Captain Morgan has 2nd place. So, we can safely say that the UK loves rum! Good choice.

   A little Bacardi rum history.

In 1862 the Bacardi brand was founded by Don Facundo Bacardi Masso in Santiago de Cuba.

Facundo’s wife was the designer of the bat emblem thanks to the fruit bats in their yard that she adored. Apparently, fruit bats give good health and fortune.

This 150-year-old Bacardi rum distillery has gone through 5 earthquakes, hurricanes, and a distillery fire and still kicking.

Eventually the Bacardi brand got so popular the rum was also distilled in New York City and Spain.

Rum was first distilled in the Caribbean in the 17th century. Became popular with sailors and pirates traveling to all sorts of ports, around the world.

   My question is what is the difference between white, spice and dark rums?

White Rum

   Made with sugarcane or molasses, aged in oak barrels for slightly over a year. Too much longer aging, the worst the rum will taste. The trick is filtering the rum many times along with the aging process is what gives white rum it’s taste.

   Spiced Rum

   Spiced rum is made the same way as White rum only with spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and caramel coloring. All these ingredients give spiced rum it’s flavor and color.

Dark Rum

   Dark rum is really Spiced rum but matured for a longer time.

Thus, giving the stronger taste and color.


   “You know Harold.” Dr. Wetbrain concluding his story. “I think that Spiced rum is good as a quick shot or two straight up. But White rum is best in fancy drinks. Dark rum on the other hand is a little strong for me. Only my opinion.”

Jagermeister. W.T.F.

Sitting on a bar stool at the counter Dr. Wetbrain staring at the waitress for a long, long time decided and stated, “OK, I will try a shot of this Jagermeister.” The shot was poured out of a square metal dispenser designed only to pour out the right amount of Jagermeister at the right temperature. The shot was downed in one gulp.

There are people who love Jagermeister or absolutely hate this drink. It’s one or the other. No grey zone here. I personally thought it tasted like cough and flu medicine. In fact, I heard stories that in the 1950’s pharmacists sold Jagermeister as a cold remedy. Could not find the facts on this story.

The story of Jagermeister is a little on the boring side.

German the “Timber Frame Road”. Wolfenbuttel, Germany.

Once upon a time Wilhelm Mast in Wolfenbuttel, Germany started a wine and vinegar company in the early 1900’s. In 1934 his son Curt took over the company. Curt Mast in 1935 invented a concoction of 56 botanical herbs and spices into a drink and called it Jagermeister. Worthy of the best cold and flu remedy one could buy. With 35% alcohol one could be very happy curing their cold.

  Curt Mast

Besides a flu remedy this popular liquor gives other health benefits such as controlling blood sugar levels which benefits diabetes and gives a lower risk of strokes.


Fun notes on Jagermeister.

Jagger-bomb drink – Drop a shot of Jagermeister into a glass of Redbull. And good luck.

Guns And Roses (Duff McCagan, Slash, Axl Rose, Izzy Stradlin, Steven Adler) at the UIC Pavillion in Chicago, Illinois, August 21, 1987 . (Photo by Paul Natkin/Getty Images)

Guns and Roses canceled a concert in Maine, USA in 2006 due not enough Jagermeister. W.T.F!

After Dr. Wetbrain blabbed out his Jagermeister story to the waitress, she just stared at him again, only for a few seconds this time. She then turned around and walked away shaking her head and gave the doctor a back handed wave.

“See!” Wetbrain thought. “She thought the story was boring also.”