Alcohol Prohibition Penalties.

Alcohol Prohibition Penalties.

Harold listening to a podcast on his earbuds spoke up loudly like he is deaf. “Wetbrain! People are getting whipped for having a drink of whiskey. W.T.F.”.

Through the history of alcohol there were alcohol prohibitions in certain countries. These days mostly prohibition is in Muslim territories with severe penalties.

There is a small town in Alberta, Canada. Raymond, Alberta with a population of 4000 has a type of alcohol prohibition where you can not possess or purchase alcohol or be fined.

Then there is the famous United States Alcohol Prohibition from 1920 to 1933 where there will be NO manufacture, sales and transportation of any alcohol products. First offence had a penalty fine up to $1000.oo and up to 6 months jail. 2nd offence we are looking at $5000.oo fine and up to 1 year imprisonment. $1000.oo in 1927 is now worth $23000.oo. WOW!

Most of the alcohol prohibition places still these days have the punishment for drinking alcohol in public are flogging, fines, imprisonment or death. Below are countries I will never visit!

   Countries these days with alcohol prohibition and the penalties.

Pakistan – In 1979 Muslim citizens caught drinking alcohol would get painful 80 whips or 2 years in prison. For having a shot of whiskey! What is wrong with these people!


Saudi Arabia – God forbid if you sold alcohol to a Saudi national. You would be looking at 3 to 9 months in jail. Flogging would be involved.


Libya – No whipping here but there is some jail or a fine.

Iran – July 8, 2020, a man was executed for drinking alcohol. W.T.F.

Kuwait – Do not get caught drinking alcohol here. A fine is $1700us to 3.4 million. Jail is 6 months to 5 years. Plus, deportation or a death sentence! When is the next plane?


Afghanistan – Only 60 lashes here or imprisonment. Just a little better than Pakistan. W.T.F.


Dr. Wetbrain thought about these ridiculous punishments. The whole world is going nuts with the wars and international fighting that are going on now. The wrong people are getting the lashes.


I Cry For Whiskey and Rye.

I Cry, For Whiskey and Rye.

I, Dr. Wetbrain, pledge a solemn oath to whiskey and rye. Rye and water are my favorite poisons. So, I know a little bit about whiskey and rye.

The word ‘whiskey’ comes from the Gaelic uisge beatha, meaning ‘lively water’ or ‘water of life’. Interesting to note how also the American Natives use to call whiskey ‘fire water’.

Whiskey, rye or bourbon are more of a European, American and Canadian made spirit compared to the rest of the world.

I very much enjoy a glass of whiskey or two, usually with two thirds of the glass with cold water added as mix to the rye. Mostly in movies, on the other hand, people will down about two ounces at once in a shot glass. Holly, cow! Must have been watered down.

Whiskey is made by distilling fermented barley, rye or wheat grain in large stills and then aged in charred wooden ‘aging’ barrels.

Difference between Whiskey and Rye. 

Whiskey is an American and Canadian based libation made with either wheat, corn, barley or many other grains.

Rye is a type of whiskey, made the same way, but with at least 51% rye mash.

Scotch is made from fermented barley.

Irish whiskey must ferment with added yeast. I’m sure that each distillery has their own tricks of the trade with the production of these spirits by using other additions and processes and aging times. No matter what, each finished product is like a piece of art. 

Bourbon is a whiskey which is fermented with at least 51% corn mash.

Brief History, On Whiskey

Whiskey’s distilling tricks of the trade were brought on by monks between 1100 – 1300 AD to Scotland and Ireland.

At one time beer made with barley was distilled into hard liquor. Medicine they all thought. Speaking of medicine, in the dirty thirties (Prohibition time), over a million gallons of whiskey was prescribed by dignified doctors to sufferers of many unique ailments.

In 1794 during the American Revolutionary War whiskey was used as currency for room and board, bullets, boots, etc.…

      Moonshine, white lightning, hooch is usually made by refining 100% corn mash and distilling this mash in a contraption called a ‘still’. Totally illegal to manufacture this moonshine in its time, production was done in secrecy.

This high proofed alcohol was in high demand during the prohibition era (1920 – 1933). During this era, the speakeasies bought moonshine and watered it down for more profits.

“Harold sounds dignified when he drinks whiskey, when I have seen others go snake crazy drinking this spirit”, Dr. Wetbrain remarks.

WTF. Alcohol Prohibition In Canada.

    “Harold, warm up your truck and get your ‘Free the Alcohol’ sign out!”, Dr. Wetbrain yelled in a panic. “We are going to Raymond, Alberta. We are going to protest alcohol prohibition.”

“I will tell you about this town on our way. I’m driving!”

For over 120 years prohibition of alcohol is still alive and well, still lingering in North America. Canada yet!

Raymond, Alberta, Canada is a small town which has a population of 4200. 20 minutes south of Lethbridge, 240 kilometers from Calgary. Founded 1901 and named after industrialist Jesse Knight’s son.

Raymond - Lethbridge & Southern Alberta Real Estate

Since 1902 alcohol was prohibited in this little town. WTF!?

This year 6 out of 7 councilors voted No for public sales of alcohol in Raymond. The prohibition continues. The vote might have been influenced because most of Raymond’s fine citizens are of a certain church persuasion. Note: You still can drive 20 minutes to Stirling to pick up alcohol for private home consumption. Also, if you talk nicely or related to the town council, they might give you a permit for alcohol at a wedding.

“Wake up Harold were here! The town looks dead. The street is empty. OK lets just stand in front of this old garage station and loudly chant. Get your sign ready.” Dr. Wetbrain commanded.

No Alcohol png free download - Symbols icon No alcohol icon Forbidden icon


The 1920s Alcohol Prohibition.

The 1920’s Alcohol Prohibition.

Why didn't prohibition work? You asked Google – here's the answer | Stephen Moss | The Guardian


Alcohol Being Dumped from

Dr. Wetbrain thinks that this ‘1920s alcohol prohibition’ is the most idiotic and inhumane political decision that any government ruling has ever done. Were the politicians drunk when they thought of this?

From 1920 to 1933 the United States prohibited the manufacture, sales and transportation of intoxicating liquors and was called the ‘prohibition’. Were they drunk when they thought this up?

January 16, 1920 the 18th amendment to the United States Constitution went into effect. Gangsters saw this as a business opportunity to make high profits from dealing in an illegal way with this new law.

These gangsters and bootleggers would smuggle in rum from the Caribbean or whiskey from Canada into the United States.

The smarter gangsters also opened up secret bars which were hidden from the authorities for regular people to sneak into, to drink and socialize called ‘speakeasies’. The name ‘Speakeasy’, was named from having all the patrons whisper to each other so the coppers (police), would not find and arrest these clubs.


In 1929 the ‘great depression’ began, the stock market crashed, and the government needed money, people needed jobs or to be drunk. To have alcohol taxed legally again would have solved all these problems.

On December 5,1933, the United States Constitution made the production, sales and distribution of alcohol was legal again. Yay!

Photos | Prohibition

During this prohibition era, whiskey was able to be prescribed by medical doctors to very many patients for all sorts of ailments such as sniffles, mild headaches and slight depression.

Over one million gallons of whiskey per year was, suddenly, given freely by doctors as medical prescriptions.

The 1920’s United States alcohol prohibition is not a new concept. Other countries on historical dates have had their try on alcohol prohibition.

1919 – 1932   Finland

1919         Hungarian Soviet Republic

1916 – 1927   Norway

1915 – 1933   Iceland

1914 – 1925   Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.)

1907 – 1948   Canada (Prince Edward Island) 

Countries today where alcohol is banned.

Afghanistan – Absolutely no alcohol consumed.

Kuwait – No booze what so ever.

India – Individual states have alcohol prohibition such as Lakshadweep, Gujarat and Nagaland.

Iran – Since 1979.

Pakistan – Certain non-Muslim minorities must apply for a permit for alcohol consumption. Good luck.

Philippines – The only time alcohol sales are prohibited here is two days before an official election.

Thailand – A little different then the Philippines where alcohol prohibition is only the same day as an official election.

Saudi Arabia – No alcohol at all.

Yemen – No booze being drunk here.

Dr. Wetbrain says, “These are countries I will not be visiting any time soon. What’s their problem?”