Dean Martin and Jonathan Winters at The Bar – 1969 TV.

Dean Martin and Jonathan Winters at The Bar – 1969 TV.


One day Dr. Wetbrain blurted out to Harold about his amazement on the advancement of technology in the last 6 decades.

In the 60s and 70s technology was very limited. Cellphone!? What the hell is that?! For communication in those days, we only had one house rotary dial phone with a short cord and at least 5 other households on the same party line. If your neighbor was on their phone you had to wait until they were60s and 70s tv shows, done to use yours. It was a guessing game. Each time you pick up the receiver to see if the phone line is open, you mostly hear, “Line busy!”

Television viewing was great on the large 18-inch color TV. Since you don’t know any better that the

quality and size made TV viewing more advanced. You only had 3 channels from your antenna reception input. That was OK for your channel changing dial only went to 12. The 60s and 70s TV shows were the best though with their innocent charm and humor. Shows like The Dean Martin Show, Carrol Burnett Show, I Love Lucy, Bewitched, Jetsons and Gilligan’s Island to mention a few.


Check out this live 1969 Dean Martin Show with Jonathan Winters.

Harold replied with, “I miss those good old simple days”.

History Of Darts Drinking Game.

Harold and Dr. Wetbrain play darts for drinks…. a lot. Usually when the useless cards are soaking wet with booze and always in Harold’s back yard, early in the morning. 7:15 am and the sun just started to lap up most of the hidden darkness of the summer morning.

Three empty bottles of cheap wine were lying on the crisp, morning dew which blanketed the un-mowed lawn. Half-closed dandelion blooms strewed everywhere.

The dart board is made from a 20-inch-thick, carefully chain-sawed old pine log. Throughout out summer as the pine slab got dry in the heat, the inner age rings started to crack. After some time, the old drunk cracks (Harold and Wetbrain) started using the aged wooden cracks as a scoring grid. Playing darts on this wooden slab worked out great. Harold and the doctor once used the back side of this pine slab. Unfortunately, Billy came over one day. The mooching little punk from next door came over to bum beer and practice his axe throwing skills.

Throwing his axe onto our carefully dried dart board. With deep gashes everywhere on the board, except in the middle, Billy wrecked one side of our precious dart board rendering it useless.

Once again, Billy was banned from Harold’s yard.

Now Harold and Dr. Wetbrain use the other (un-slashed) side of the dart board.

Harold kept losing at darts and taking his respective drinks. The doctor just kept taking drinks. Because he is…. Dr. Wetbrain, and he hates winning all the time. To him, winning at any drinking game is…. losing. “You don’t get to drink!”, he would yell out to anyone listening. Sometimes nobody was there.

Dr. Wetbrain pulled another bottle of wine out of the ice filled, galvanized wash tub. Filled both of their glasses and sat back down onto his old lawn chair. Eyes half-shut, the doctor looks at Harold who is sitting on his rickety wooden lawn chair next to him.

“You know, Harold?”, Doctor begins to speak.

Ten minutes later.

“You know, Harold?”, Dr. Wetbrain decided to continue.

Darts started somewhere like (pauses) medieval times. During the time of kings, knights and Robin Hood. When these knights in tights became teachers of archery to their young soldiers, they would shorten some arrows and have the students throw them at the bottom of an empty wine barrel. Apparently, the soldiers took their shortened arrows with them to the local pub to show off their new skills. Also, to have fun with the newly found drinking game to be played with all the friends and wenches found at this pub. Serious darts never came into view until the end of the 1800s.”

“Harold…. did you know?”


Hangover and a Cure or Two.

Hangover and a Cure or Two.


Both waking up at the same time, slowly lifting their heads off the booze-soaked table were sitting Harold and Dr. Wetbrain. Looking at each other cross-eyed, Wetbrain decides to tell Harold all about hangovers, again.
A hangover is basically a form of alcohol poisoning and has been around since alcohol was stumbled upon for stumbling purposes. Recently in Tbilisi, Russia 8000-year-old jars with wine traces were found.
What happens after a good drunk is your body tries to get rid of alcohol through peeing and sweating taking much of your needed H2O with it. So now your body can’t get enough water from its regular source, so your system must steal the water from other parts. Like your brain cells, thus creating a lovely headache. Dehydration also causes muscle cramps, thirst, dizziness and fatigue. Thus, the hangover.
The myth of coffee sobering you up does not work. That just keeps you as a wide awake drunk when you probably should be passed out.

Side note: Females easily suffer more than men. Apparently, they do not have enough enzymes to break down the alcohol as men do.

More Hangover Help Tips:
Time is the real remedy of a hangover and having some sort of substance in the belly to absorb the stale alcohol helps also. May I recommend ‘hangover soup’, which consists of browned greasy hamburger, canned tomatoes, macaroni, lots of garlic powder and water.
My favorite thing to do on a dreadful Sunday morning is to make a big bed on the living room floor. Lots of pillows, a whole bunch of movies lined-up so I can sleep watch them all day. Have gallons of real juice and tons of snacks just waiting for you at arm’s length.

Hangover Remedies:
As was mentioned, alcohol has been around for about 8000 years. Hangover remedies most likely have been around for about 7999 years, whether they worked or not. It seems like mind over matter on most remedies.
Here are some hangover remedies from around the world and throughout time.
* Romans (600 BC) ate cabbage leaves; they also ate fried canaries.
* Egyptians (3100 BC) drank cabbage juice and took medical papyri.
* Haitians (1500 BC) stuck 13 pins into the cork of the bottle of rum they drank night before.
* In Puerto Rico some rub lemons under their drinking arm.
* Russians use to swear by sliced cucumbers, also sauerkraut. I say have a toasted cucumber and mayo sandwich.
* In the middle-ages (500 AD) folks would have a plate of bitter almonds and dried eel.
* In the outskirts of Mongolia, they drank pickled sheep’s eyes in tomato juice for a cure. Appetizing!
* The old wild west cowboys (1865 – 1895) made tea from dried rabbit droppings. Yeah, they drank too much cheap whisky the night before.

* Green tea on the other hand cleans the system and urinary track. Ginger root tea settles the upset stomach.
* Try greasy, take-out foods to help absorb the alcohol that is still in you.

* Bananas or peaches – the liver loves the iron filled bananas and everyone loves the vitamin C filled juicy peaches.
* If you dare, try a blended raw egg and orange juice drink. Yuk! Where’s the vodka?
* Popping a few multivitamins or vitamin C always helps.

Final note:
Just to show what an epidemic, hangovers are, a journal reported that in the U.S. absenteeism and poor job performance cost the economy 3.3 billion dollars (us). In Canada the value is at 1.8 billion dollars (us). All from hangovers!

“Harold wake up!” Dr. Wetbrain yells. “You of all people should listen to this.” Again.

Drinking Alone or Solitary Sot.

So, there you are, by yourself sitting on 2 cases of beer watching a blank T.V. and listening to a silent phone. Ready to party but nobody is around. What to do?

Solitary Sots are more popular than you would think, lots of people drink alone. You see it on movies all the time. George Thorogood sings about it. Everyone does it at one time or another. Some, in fact, drink alone all the time. Probably disgusted with the idea of being with other slobbering drunks.

“If I am a lonely drinking sot tonight, might as well make the best of it. Drinking games for the solitary sot it is!”, giggles Dr. Wetbrain to himself.

This is not the doctor’s first rodeo at getting drunk by himself. He even invented some drinking games to make these special occasions more fun.

So, stay tuned for some cool drinking games for the Solitary Sot in everyone. First drinking game coming soon called CAP.