One day Dr. Wetbrain was playing with his new I-phone and was thinking what can I look up? Free drinking game apps, he thought. With Google search he was able to obtain and study on how each one of these game apps work. Many a drunk night went into this research. Dr. Wetbrain gives you in his opinion on the best free drinking game apps available. Let’s begin.
I Puke App
Apparently, hours and hours of drinking went into developing this drinking game app with serious hangovers. I could relate. Research must be done. Note: No drunks were harmed in these experiments.
Fun with any number of players just start with putting in the names. Then each player one at a time will draw a card and has a choice between a dare or number of shots to drink. On the dares be afraid, very afraid. Just joking.
Picolo App
A very fun drinking game where anybody who sees it playing wants to join in automatically. Easy to play, easy to get the party going. No rules to remember also.
To play just add each player’s name, then answer questions and follow the instructions. The drink amount is included for each losing player.
The Kings Cup
This drinking game app is for the card game players. Great for getting the party started. Drink amount is dedicated.
Drunk Potato

Remember the kid’s game ‘Hot Potato’. This game is the same idea, but with a timer instead of burning your hands.
This drinking game is played on a cell phone. When the timer starts either answer the question which could be very personal or take the challenge which could be filthy and dirty… or not. When the timer runs out, who is holding the phone must have a drink. If phone holder does not answer the question or complete the challenge, they must drink 3 drinks! Next player please.
This app is designed for a I-pad and I-phone. Easy to play with all the trending drinking games segregated into 4 modes. Ridiculous, sexy, tipsy (get the party started), macho (sports like), girly (bachelorette party time).
Put in names and get personalized questions, challenges and drinks.
King Of Booze App
This is another drinking game app where there is a variety of dares are king or decide to have some sissy drinks, up to you. This is a game that will liven up boring people for drinking and laughing.
Never Have I Ever App
Intimate questions to answer. If you did the dirty deed that was questioned have a drink. If you do not want to answer, perhaps due to shame, take 3 drinks.
Drink Or Doom App
This fun drinking game app is made in a comic book design. Once the player chooses a character and puts in their name, they are ready to play. Very easy to play. When it is your turn, you get to choose between a challenge or a drink amount. A few of the challenges may be ‘R’ rated with mild violence and nudity.
After 8 days of getting drunk with his friends for research purposes only. Dr. Wetbrain was able to deduce which free drinking game apps are the best. Now it’s time for home for a rest.