The World Of Beer Bikes.

One quiet afternoon Harold and Dr. Wetbrain were sitting back on the porch, sipping on a beer.

Interrupting the quietness Dr. Wetbrain began. “Picture this Harold. A nice European warm sunny day, sitting at an open bar which is slowly moving through an ancient cobblestoned street. Meeting, drinking and cheering the people you are sitting with and the smiling people on the street. Once in awhile this moving bar would stop at a historic pub for a pint or two. Drunk when dropped off at your hotel.”

“Snap out of it!”, Harold yelled.

“What!” The doctor retaliated. “This dream is possible. Have you heard of Beer Bikes which are all around the world. Except in Muslim countries. Yes there is such a thing as party bikes. Famed tourist countries such as Netherlands, US, Canada, Belgium, Germany, France, Australia has one somewhere, Italy, Holland and Japan all have Beer Bikes. These slow traveling bars are great for birthday parties, company outings, bachelorette parties or just friends on the town.

Beer Bikes – Beer Bikes are a smart marketing ploy to promote a bar and get supplemental income. The Beer Bike is basically an over sized rickshaw. Instead of a 2 seat bench behind a peddle bike you have a fair size trailer. A bar in the middle and 8 to 17 stools around the bar that has beer taps to refresh your mug. The pilot in the front is the sober driver who just steers and brakes. It’s the drunk patrons who are peddling to give power to this beer bike. The tour that each bike usually provides is a stop at a popular pub or brewery. Unfortunately in 2017 in Amsterdam the Party Bike was banned due to traffic jams and lots of noisy vehicle honking. This tour attraction in 1997 was invented by the fine folks of Het Fietscafe BV in the Netherlands.

Few examples of Beer Bike Tours in the world with their links….

US – Pedal – This company is located in 14 states like California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Missouri and more. Plus Canada. What! No Quebec.

Belgium – Beer Bike Tours – Reservation of minimum 8 party participants. Lets party!

Canada – Calgary Beer Bike – Craft beer tours.

Germany – Berlin Beer Bike – Up to 16 people. With the privilege of an English speaking sober driver – big barrel of beer in the front – 2 pints free – and a roof.

Japan – The Ichiroku Onomichi is a 16 passenger bike that does a historic beer tour of Onomichi, Japan. Saki is the most popular drink on this Beer Bike.

Australia – Cheekies Bike – This Beer Bike caters up to 12 partiers. The Cheekies Bike will tour you from Cullen Bay to Esplanade and Mitchell Street. Check out map.

Still on the porch Dr. Wetbrain was checking out Harold who was deep in thought. “Still thinking about my Beer Bike dream, aren’t you Harold?”



Toast History – Cheers!

Toast History – Cheers!

   “‘Nats daroia’ Harold!”, Dr. Wetbrain yelled holding up his beer into the air. Harold stood up and clinked his beer with him and had a drink. Harold yelled ‘Napidabora’, trying to imitate the doctor.

“You said it wrong”, Dr. Wetbrain stated. Time for toasting ‘Cheers!’ history and language lessons.

Two people and a clink of a drink from their glasses, also a yell of ‘Cheers’ in honor of a toast perhaps at a wedding, a good business deal, an honor of congratulation or to a special person. “Here’s looking at you kid”, Humphrey Bogart to Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca. Clink!

Merriam-Webster dictionary has a great definition for a toast – A shout of hope, applause, or encouragement.

History of Cheers

   In the 1st century BC, the Roman Senate decreed to all to have a drink to the health of Emperor Augustus at every meal. Harold apparently tries to do this all the time.

The first recorded ‘Toast’ in England in the 12th century was by Geoffrey of Monmouth. He wrote that Renwien, daughter of British King Vortigern declared ‘Waes Hael’. Which meant good health. The Saxons continued the ‘Waes Hael’ toast every holiday with a bowl of wine. Awe the good old days.

Some thought the drinking toast began in ancient Greece, honor the Gods. Or there is the Medieval Ages where clinking 2 glasses one of them would spill some of its poison into the other glass. Mysterious murder perhaps. How sneaky!

The praise word ‘cheers’ was from the 18th century French ‘chiere’, meaning face or head, used to express happiness and encouragement.

Toasting Cheers! In different languages.    

   English – Cheers – Cheers! To your health, bottoms up.

Costa Rica – Pura Vida – poora vida – Cheers.

Filipino – Tagay – Ta gay – Drink.

Finnish – Kippis – kip piss.

German – Prost – prohst – Cheers!

Greek – Yamas – Ya mas – Good health.

Italian – Salute or Cin Cin – Cheen cheen – Cheers.

Japanese – Kanpai – Kan pie – Cheers or Empty the glass.

Mandarin – Ganbei – Gan bay – Cheers, dry cup or bottoms up.

North Korea – No cheers there! They don’t even drink or smile for that matter.

Portuguese – Saude – Saw oo de – to your health.

Russian – Nahz Drovia – Natz drovia – Cheers!

Spanish – Salud – sah lud – Good health.

Swedish – Skal – skawl – Cheers!

A personal drinking toast somehow brings people closer to each other. Cheers! Clink!

10 Best Funny Drunk Memes.

10 Best Funny Drunk Memes.


One day Harold, while watching his laptop, belted out loud laughter. What now? Dr. Wetbrain thought.

“Wetbrain you have to come and see this funny drunk meme.

“Harold you actually know what memes are?” Dr. Wetbrain asked.

“Sort of” Harold humbly replied. Of course, the doctor has to tell Harold about funny drunk memes.

The first known use of the word ‘Meme’ was in 1976 by biologist Richard Dawkins in his book ‘The Selfish Gene’ which had basically the same definition as the present.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition:

1)  an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media.

2)   an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.


Time for my favorite 10 Funny Drunk Memes. had many of my favorite funny drunk memes.













After showing my funny drunk meme playlist to Harold, he could not stop uncontrollably laughing at them with tears and all. After composing himself, Harold noted that now he knows what a ‘meme’ is.

Good for you. Sarcastically Dr. Wetbrain replied. There will be more memes to come.

St. Patrick’s Day Green Rivers.

St. Patrick’s Day Green Rivers.

Chicago Skylines building along green dyeing river of Chicago River on St. Patrick’s day festival in Chicago Downtown IL USA

One day Dr. Wetbrain was in the Central Hotel bar having a pint of green beer among an overpopulated drunk group of leprechauns and leprechaunettes. Yes, it is March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. Which made the Doctor think of the green rivers dedicated to this day. The only green water I know about is the swamp I have in the back 40s and has nothing to do with St. Patrick’s Day. Here are his findings.

The most popular green St. Patrick’s Day River is the Chicago River. This festive gimmick was originally launched in 1962 with a few small boats spewing out an oil-based fluorescein green dye. The Chicago River’s fish, otters and environmentalists did not like these toxins at all. In 1966 the dying chemicals changed to a vegetable-based dye. The fish, otters and environmentalists seemed happier.

Apparently dying the river costs $133.oo/minute. Dying the river starts one week before St. Patrick’s Day with the 2 little boats spewing the dye.

Other St. Patrick’s Day green water.  

St. Patrick’s Day Trivia.    

1)  Green beer is made with blue food coloring.

2)  Corn beef and cabbage is the traditional meal for this day.

Brief history.

  St. Patrick’s Day started in the early 17th century due to the death of St. Patrick. Patron Saint of Ireland. Observed by the Catholic Church.

São Patrício – Basílica de São Patrício, Montreal – Foto: François Boulay


   All Dr. Wetbrain could do in this bar is raise his green beer mug and yell out, “Here’s to St. Patrick!” Everyone drank their green beer also.

Santa Crawl vs Santa Con.

Dr. Wetbrain and Harold Go to A Santa Con.


“Harold shut that T.V. off!” Dr. Wetbrain excitedly yelled as he stormed into the house. “Get your elf costume on. I have 2 tickets for Santa Con. I’ll go find my Santa suit.”

Harold confused asks, “What’s a Santa Con?”

“Let me tell you on the way there.” The doctor said in earnest.

Santa Crawl and Santa Con.  

   Once upon a time there was the Santa Crawl where a group of people dressed up in Santa theme attire would go Bar Hopping. The Crawl advanced to a more commercialized version and called this Christmas event ‘Santa Con’.

From Vancouver, B.C., Canada to Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A there is this new fad that takes place around the middle of December. Well, it’s not new, apparently this party started in 1994 in San Francisco. What happens on this night is first you must purchase tickets for this Christmas event either online or from the sponsoring bar. Next, at this bar suddenly everywhere there is Santa, elves and perhaps a Grinch sipping on their 2 free drinks. Finally at a certain time all the Christmas characters hop onto a chartered bus and visit all the participating night clubs they can handle. Usually 4 stops. I’m sure a few elves were napping on the bus during the last stop. Good chance most participants had 1 or 6 drinks while getting their costumes on.

At certain Santa Cons all the participants donned in their Santa attire will parade down Main Street overpopulating the better night clubs one at a time. A few times the party crowd would be dressed only as Santa.

Other Santa Con Locations.

   Some of the other popular Santa Crawl locations.

Santa Crawl Fun Facts.

– There was a Santa Crawl in 2013, New York, where things went a little awry. A Santa Crawl brawl broke out on the street. Drunk Santa, elves, and a Grinch started getting arrested. What a hilarious sight that would have been. Check out the video!


– Specifically for the famed Santa Crawl you could actually purchase Santa and elf costumes from Amazon and Pinterest.


Dr. Wetbrain skipped into the house with drunk Harold the little elf in tow.

“Wasn’t that a great time! You know you look pretty good in that elf costume. Your height, big ears, and all.”, the doctor said.

“You know I could kill you with this huge candy cane.” Was Harold’s come back.


Merry Christmas from Harold and Dr. Wetbrain.    


“Wake up Harold!” Dr. Wetbrain yelled at the couch where his passed out comrade was sleeping.

It’s Oktoberfest time!

Harold groggily sat up and mumbled, “What? That’s not till next month!”

Excitedly Dr. Wetbrain states, “The Bavarian Beer Garden season is upon us. Not only in Munich, Germany, but in other countries and cities you would not think of. We should check out about Eight Best Oktoberfest, Bavarian Beer Gardens in the world that I know of. Harold what are you doing lying down again. I want to tell you about these Oktoberfest’s that we are going to.”

1)    Munich, Germany

 Munich hosts the original Oktoberfest and has since 1810. This fun filled sixteen-day festival pours out seven million liters of German beer to about seven million thirsty visitors. This huge party is held from middle of September to first week in October.

2)    Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

This Oktoberfest is the biggest in Canada imitating the German style of fun, song, dancing and lots of beer guzzling. This festival started in 1969 and now brings in an excess of 700,000 visitors each year for nine days in the middle of October.

 3)    Blumenau, Brazil

This party also brings in 700,000 visitors annually and is boasted as the second biggest Oktoberfest in the world. This Brazilian town was founded by German immigrants in the mid 1800’s. The seventeen-day celebration started in 1984 and is held in the middle of October.

 4)    Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Cincinnati, Ohio claims to have the U.S. largest Oktoberfest with 500,000 thirsty visitors annually. The three-day event occurs in the middle of September which was first held in 1976.

 5)     Brisbane, Australia

With 37,000 visitors strong this Oktoberfest is the largest in Australia. In the first few weeks of October this festival is held on two separate, three-day weekends where gallons and gallons of German beer are drunk, and 13,500 pretzels are eaten.

 6)     Hong Kong, China

For more than 21 years this Oktoberfest has been held at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel in the middle of October to early November. The entertainment, beer and bratwurst sausages are all brought in from Germany for the 1500 visitors attending this party.

 7)     London, England

This London, England Oktoberfest is spread out over six weekends at four separate locations of London. This party begins in late September and ends in the middle of October.

 8)      Prague, Czech Republic

In the spring, starting on the second week of May and lasting for 17 drunk days this “Oktoberfest” will take some time to recuperate. To satisfy the thirsty 10,000 seat venue, all the beers are from the Czech Republic.

Dr. Wetbrain was thinking. With proper research on airfare, lodging, land travel, an ambitious person can hit each of these great Oktoberfest’s, worldwide in one year. September to November will be very busy for you, but can be done.