Oldest Wine Found In 8000-Year-Old Jars.

Oldest Wine Found In 8000-Year-Old Jars.


Dr. Wetbrain was thinking one day about all the wildlife that enjoy getting drunk. Wild animals were probably getting drunk off fermented fruit long before humans did. Even certain dinosaurs probably got drunk. How long did it take for humans to finally enjoy the indulgence of drunkenness? Or got smart enough.

Recently archaeologists found 8000-year-old clay jars that proves humans were getting drunk since around 5800 to 6000 BC. In November 2017 archaeologists discovered these ancient jars that are around 82 cm in height and 41 cm in width and have carvings of grape clusters and a dancing man. These ancient jars were found about 50 kms from Tbilisi, Russian ruled capital of Georgia, near Persia.

Earliest evidence of wine found in giant, 8,000-year-old jars - The Washington Post

Scientists with biochemical analyses technology discovered that in the clay particles of these jars were traces of tartaric acid, Eurasian grape, malic (contributes to the sour taste of fruits), succinic and citric acids. All the important ingredients in the production of wine. This traditional Eurasian Qvevri wine making method is still used today.

At one time alcohol was used for commerce exchange which made wine invaluable to religious cults, medicine and society in general.

Dr. Wetbrain giggled to himself. The other day he read an article about Dr. Juan Carlos Marvizon Ph.D. giving a whole story on how humans are smarter than animals. Really!? Animals got drunk long before humans. Probably even fruit eating dinosaurs. Dinosaurs and birds have been around, getting drunk, for 235 million years. Humans 2.5 million years and getting drunk for only 8000 years. So, who was smarter about getting drunk first? Take that Dr. Marvizon!