Drinking Alone or Solitary Sot.

So, there you are, by yourself sitting on 2 cases of beer watching a blank T.V. and listening to a silent phone. Ready to party but nobody is around. What to do?

Solitary Sots are more popular than you would think, lots of people drink alone. You see it on movies all the time. George Thorogood sings about it. Everyone does it at one time or another. Some, in fact, drink alone all the time. Probably disgusted with the idea of being with other slobbering drunks.

“If I am a lonely drinking sot tonight, might as well make the best of it. Drinking games for the solitary sot it is!”, giggles Dr. Wetbrain to himself.

This is not the doctor’s first rodeo at getting drunk by himself. He even invented some drinking games to make these special occasions more fun.

So, stay tuned for some cool drinking games for the Solitary Sot in everyone. First drinking game coming soon called CAP.