Health and Culinary Products Made With Beer.
One day Harold mentioned to Dr. Wetbrain how much he loved crispy Walleye fish in beer batter and recently tried a beer can chicken dinner. Both dishes were YUMMY!
Dr. Wetbrain had to educate Harold.
So many other products are made with beer. Such as BBQ sauces, body lotions, soaps and hair shampoo. You can even make bread and cake.
Apparently BBQ a beer-can-chicken also. Never tried this, but what it looks like is a cooked chicken with a beer can up its ass.
“Yes it actually does,” Harold replied giggling.
Beer has medical benefits from the hops for all these products with vitamin E, B6 and C. Besides vitamins, beer also has restorative nutrients such as antioxidants and protein. Excellent for your immune system and helps to detox your hair and skin. Cleanse, repair and protect your hair and skin without harsh chemicals.
Drinking beer on the other hand has no evidence for medical benefits and making your hair healthy, shiny and looking great.
Remember ‘Body on Tap’ Shampoo, which was launched in 1978. Made with a natural beer produced by Anheuser Busch, better known as Budweiser.
There was the TV commercial aired in July 1978 starring Kim Basinger. “Made with one third real beer, but don’t drink it.”
‘Body On Tap’ Shampoo Commercial.
So, Harold besides getting drunk, beer is great for health and culinary uses. I also love eating Walleye fish in beer batter. Funny to note that there is even Beer Belly Lotion available. You should take note Harold.