Artificial Intelligence Changes Brewing Beer.

Artificial Intelligence Changes Brewing Beer.


Artificial Intelligence is really getting into too much of our human lives. These days A.I. is involved in medicine, art, music and duplicating people’s image along with their voice and even bars. Scary!

And now A.I. is used to make great tasting beer by redesigning the recipe. Remember that a computer does not have taste buds! Also, with all the senses us humans have and the nonsenses that the internet has, would artificial intelligence make better tasting beer? Dr. Wetbrain had to investigate this crazy idea.

A.I. has a large data base on the beloved beer which links chemical data with sensory features to accurately predict a beer’s taste and smell, apparently.

Beer has basically 4 main ingredients of hops, yeast, grains and water. What I have seen is that A.I. beer brewing can predict how beer tastes from its chemical make up and then comes up with great recipe ideas, but the ingredient numbers are off. That’s where the human touch comes in to make the beer perfect. Otherwise, bad tasting, 2% beer.

KU Leuven Brewery in Belgium developed an artificial intelligent model which works with expert beer taster’s decisions, 180,000 public ratings and measurements of 226 chemical compounds. The end results still needed tweaking from their brew master.

Dalen Landis, owner of the Grain Bin Brewing Co. in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada wanted 100% A.I. made beer. Still, they needed staff to tweak the technology.

Vancouver Island Brewery in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada wanted to do the same as Grain Bin. Yep! The internal brew master had to fix the brew.

Co-owner Alan Norman of Tire Shack Brewing Co. in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada used Chat GPT to come up with a recipe. Their new A.I. beer is called Garden Party, if you want to try it.

Dr. Wetbrain investigated further by tasting some of these A.I. beers and concluded that the extra human touch made a much better tasting beer. But I could see that beer with the new artificial intelligence is an interesting novelty to try. Human made beer is the best.

180,000 public reviews can be found on

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