Star Wars Bar Drinks on Movie.

Star Wars Bar Drinks on Movie.

 Dr. Wetbrain walked into the living room and saw a weird hairy creature. “Harold, why are you dressed like a very short Chewbacca?” The Dr. questioned.

“It’s May 4th. May the 4th be with you.” Harold replied.

“Sick. You are all ready for the Star Wars marathon tonight.” Wetbrain mentioned and continued.

I love the bar scene from the movie Star Wars, A New Hope, Episode IV.

On the planet Tatooine there is an alien filled, dimly lit tavern with very cool looking aliens, strong drinks and modern jazzy music.

The famous bar is named ‘The Mos Eisley Cantina’ and filled with unique alien customers listening to a song called ‘Mad bout Me’ and performed by Bith aliens called, ‘The Cantina Band’.

The patrons in this space bar consisted of…

Ariel Schous – the wolfman with glowing eyes.

Hem Dazon – big eyes and a head with big round head sides.

Kardue ‘sai’ Malloc – you devil you.

Many more alien creatures like Myo, Little Kabe, Momaw Nado and let us not forget the bartender Wuher. The list goes on. Find more at

Star Wars Drinks on Movie 

Drinks on the menu at The Mos Eisley Cantina tavern on the planet Tatooine…

Tatooine Sunset – fermented fruit and tea. Warm brown colored drink suitable for Humans.

Blue Milk – Bantha Milk which is a blue liquid produced by female Banthas.

Tatooi Junko – a powerful Hutt beverage.

Parkellan Sling – a brown beverage from the planet Takodana.

Med Nog – this drink gives you a buzz and helps heal war wounds faster.

Spotchka – this drink is made from a killed creature called a Krill. Safe to consume for Humans and Klatooinians. Bring it on.

Ruby Bliel – Anakin Skywalker loved this drink in his younger days. This non-alcohol drink is, believe or not, still a gooey tasty beverage. WTF. Many more drinks noted for the Mos Eisley Cantina at

“So, Harold, you tiny Wookie. I’m going out to warm up the truck. Off to the movie marathon we go.” Dr.Wetbrain excitedly concluded.

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